Google Introduce New Look for Gmail Inbox

Google Introduce New Look for Gmail Inbox, Gmail introduce new look, new interface of gmail, Tabs features on Gmail, Google team, Google Inc
Google, continuously upgrading its products and adding all new features to it. Once again there is a good news to all the Gmail lover. After the change in the all new interface of Google+ now again Google have modified the look of Gmail inbox and brought a awesome new look to it.

This time Google have putted a Tabs on the inbox, that categorized the mails on inbox. This is awesome features that haven added by Google. This makes the users to categorized there mails with different name and which can be navigate easily.
Moreover user can easily moves message between tabs, and that also with the drag and drop features.

How To Enable New Look of Gmail Inbox

If you didn't get this new look of Gmail inbox and excited to experience this features then I can help you to get this look with your Gmail. There are simple steps to be followed which will implement the new look to your Gmail inbox.
Follow the below steps
  1. Open Gmail.
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Configure inbox.
  3. Check the boxes of the tabs you want to see.
  4. Click Save.
That's it, now enjoy the new look of Gmail Inbox. 

Watch New Gmail Inbox Look